Schedule Chats with Attendees

The Scheduled Chats feature helps ensure that you will meet top candidates who you specifically want to meet.

About Scheduled Chats

Scheduled Chats are automatically facilitated one-on-one connections between specific Representatives and Attendees at preset time-windows during the event. It is a powerful feature that provides enhanced engagement and control.

Prior to the event, Representatives can send out invitations to schedule a chat with Attendees who they would like to meet. Invited Attendees can simply choose a time slot that works for them and will then be connected with that Representative at the scheduled time during the live event.

Top candidates can skip chat lines by accepting Scheduled Chat invitations.

Pro Tip! Pair Scheduled Chat with Search & Invite

By utilizing both the Scheduled Chat and Search & Invite features pre-event, you can empower your Representatives to take different actions for different Registrants.
  • Search & Invite permits Representatives to encourage selected Registrants to visit their booth, a perfect action to encourage more traffic to their booths and engage these candidates in Booth Chats.
  • For the most qualified candidates who Representatives may want to ensure they meet, Scheduled Chat permits these candidates to skip the Booth Chat lines and directly schedule a chat.


To ensure you are accepting new chats, check that you are available to chat during the event.

How to Use Scheduled Chat

If a Representative intends to engage in Scheduled Chats, they must be assigned to a booth. Then, enable Scheduled Chat when adding new Representatives to a booth.


For Representatives who have already been assigned to a booth, select to Enable Schedule Chat.


Scheduled Chats FAQs

  1. Can I disable Scheduled Chat for a Representative? Once Scheduled Chat is enabled for a Representative, you must remove that Representative from their booth(s) and then add them again without enabling Scheduled Chat in order to remove their access to the feature.
  2. Are there analytics on Scheduled Chats? Yes, after an event ends, information on Scheduled Chats are available on each Representative and Registrant. 
  3. Can Representatives take both Scheduled Chats and Booth Chats? Yes, if Scheduled Chat is enabled for Representative, they will be able to accept both Scheduled Chats and Booth Chats if they so choose. Representatives have the ability to indicate whether they are available in certain booths and/or can set their “Chat Availability” to Away if they want to focus only on Scheduled Chats.
  4. Does "Chat Availability" affect Scheduled Chats? “Chat Availability” does not apply to Scheduled Chat. Representatives will always be entered into Scheduled Chats if they are in the event during the Scheduled Chat time slot.
  5. Can Representatives take only Scheduled Chats? Yes, Representatives who want to only take Scheduled Chats can set their “Chat Availability” to Away. This will prevent them from being entered into Booth Chats.